FREE - for all our relations
5Rhythms Waves workshop
Photo credit: Michela di Savino
Freedom is a precious good. A lot of freedom is to gain through personal growth work. This ripples out in all we do and are: ’For all our relations’.
5Rhythms dance and Systemic Ritual are the resources this weekend to reconnect with your wild and free spirit.
Dance is a joyful way to move with and through the obstacles that are holding you back from being your full beautiful self.
Come home in your body, express what’s in your heart, shake till you still the busy mind.
Systemic Ritual is a constellation form that taps into the wisdom of the ancestral field. Often there’s threads that keep you attached to the past, some of them older then you, traveling through generations. We’ll use choreographic forms to get an insight of these strings and through movement and prayer we find healing.
The group is limited to 30 so that we are able to work with personal cases.
INFO & BOOKINGS: (Barbara)
21-23 September, 2018
Friday night open to all - Waves evening: 19.15 - 21.45
Sat 10.30 - 17.30
Sunday 10.30 - 17.00
Nadjas Tanzwelt, Eugen Bolz Str. 26, Kißlegg
Full workshop: € 180,- if booked and paid before 1st of february. After that date € 195,-
Everyone welcome!
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